Job offers...

"To teach is to light a fire, not to fill an empty bucket."

- Heraclitus

Current job offers can be found here:
Spontaneous applications for future positions are always welcome, please note the requirements below.

Please note: As we receive a large number of inquiries, it may take longer for us to respond - thank you for your patience.

Educator / Class teacher (DE/EN) 80%

These are our requirements:

  • Training at lower or intermediate level (secondary level if applicable)

  • German or English mother tongue

  • Committed and flexible personality

  • Team player, enthusiastic, inspiring, creative

  • Willingness to develop professionally and grow personally

  • Willingness to support the children in their development as a whole personality

You are responsible for ensuring that all children acquire the skills required by the Swiss Lehrplan 21 as well as the core competencies and goals of the School of Tomorrow. You will teach in classes, small groups and individually and develop individual and personalized curricula. At SOT, each child is allowed to follow their own learning path, always with the support of our team and other children.

The following experience or interests are desirable:

  • Mixed-age and individualized learning

  • Designing open learning environments

  • Support for project work

  • exploratory and interdisciplinary learning

  • Internal differentiation and promoting talent

Career changers are also welcome. If you are motivated to challenge and support children individually and want to actively contribute to our mission, then we look forward to receiving your application by e-mail to


Our educators are teachers who are recognized as such by the Swiss school board and have completed teacher training in their respective field (kindergarten, primary or secondary school). They are responsible to assure that all children acquire the necessary skills required by the Swiss Lehrplan21, as well as the core competencies and goals of the School of Tomorrow . Educators directly teach where necessary and desired, support and challenge the children, and develop individual and personalized curricula. Each child gets to follow his or her own learning path, always supported by our team and the other children.


Our mentors are people with educational savoir-faire, focused experience and a keen interest in supporting, helping and encouraging children. Mentors have a similar function as Educators. They also support the development of the 12 core competencies, but are not directly in charge of fulfilling the curriculum to the same extent. Instead, mentors look after the individual well-being and personal development of the child and provide support, particularly with specific projects, tasks and work. They can be active in general or in specific areas.


Our experts are individuals with specific experience, know-how or expertise in a particular field. Experts can be regular or sporadic contributors to the school day. The idea is that our students can receive insight and an experience directly from an expert in their respective field. Thus rather than just theory they get real-world insight directly from someone active and experienced in that exact industry. The School of Tomorrow strives to engage experts from a very diverse range of industries and areas. We also try to take into account children's specific interest as much possible.