"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death."
– Albert Einstein
Team structure.
Our team at School of Tomorrow consists of educators, mentors and experts. The entire team meets on a weekly basis to exchange ideas, discuss projects and plans, as well as to ensure that each individual child receives the best possible learning path, support and encouragement.
Children do not get assigned to a specific teacher for their grade or for themselves personally. Rather, each and every one of our team members is there for every child. It is the child who chooses the person who fits best for the quest at hand. Our team ensures that there is variety, exchange and always new impulses - and takes the initiative where necessary.
Our team:
EDUCATOR (en), Primary Lead
Douglas Nupen
Andres Rando
EXPERT (Mathematics)
Eduard Markov
Eliana Piampiano
Jessica Jaeger
EXPERT (Music, Singing, Acting, Rhythmics, Piano)
Kathrine Ramseier
MENTOR (French)
Maëva Lyonne
Thomas McNulty
EDUCATOR (de), Kindergarten Lead
Fabienne Sidler
Anne Peters
Natalie Schoeni
Primary & Kindergarten
EXPERT (Growth Mindset)
Deniz Kara
EXPERT (body and mind)
Dominic Rohan Gates
MENTOR (Music)
Manuel Ramirez
Mora Lang
Nataliia Yurchenko
Administration & Founder
Diego De Nicola
Cecilia Hauser
Executive Assistant and Controlling
Nicole Steinmann
Head of Technology and Digital Learning
EXPERT (Computer Science)
Roberto Honegger
Admissions Manager & Marketing, PR and Project Management
Vanessa Heinrich
Britta Düring
Nicolas Gautier
School Operations Manager
Kathlyn Santos
Strategic Growth, Family Relations and Talent Development
Sarah Notter
Our educators are teachers who are recognized as such by the Swiss school board and have completed teacher training in their respective field (kindergarten, primary or secondary school). They are responsible to assure that all children acquire the necessary skills required by the Swiss Lehrplan21, as well as the core competencies and goals of the School of Tomorrow . Educators directly teach where necessary and desired, support and challenge the children, and develop individual and personalized curricula. Each child gets to follow his or her own learning path, always supported by our team and the other children.
Our mentors are people with educational savoir-faire, focused experience and a keen interest in supporting, helping and encouraging children. Mentors have a similar function as Educators. They also support the development of the 12 core competencies, but are not directly in charge of fulfilling the curriculum to the same extent. Instead, mentors look after the individual well-being and personal development of the child and provide support, particularly with specific projects, tasks and work. They can be active in general or in specific areas.
Our experts are individuals with specific experience, know-how or expertise in a particular field. Experts can be regular or sporadic contributors to the school day. The idea is that our students can receive insight and an experience directly from an expert in their respective field. Thus rather than just theory they get real-world insight directly from someone active and experienced in that exact industry. The School of Tomorrow strives to engage experts from a very diverse range of industries and areas. We also try to take into account children's specific interest as much possible.